Skyweaver Discovery Prism Review Part 2
This guide is outdated. It still contains valuable information but the meta has changed since then. So, the game results, scores, and some of the information are not valid right now.
Welcome to part 2 of the Discovery Prism Review. I hope you liked the first part. Thanks for your feedback. In part two I decided to remove the general score, which was a bit confusing. The main score which shows how powerful a prism is the dominance score. In part two, we have five new heroes. Let’s see how powerful they are. I wish you a pleasant reading. If you haven’t read part 1 yet, please click here to read.
Iris (Agility/Wisdom)
If I wanted to define Iris with one word, that word would be “Undecided.” Iris is undecided about whether she wants to go aggro or be a control prism. Most of the time she sticks between both and whenever you think you are getting the pace she slows down. In most of the cases, you can see your deck having 27-29 cards that cost 5 or less, then it directly jumps to 8-9 mana, A-.) It’s not good for your curve, B-.) Since you’re not mono agility you can’t push effectively with your wisdom units. The best possible outcome while playing Iris is having a good opening hand with agility cards and hoping to keep drawing them or a nice wisdom midrange unit to keep dealing damage. You can also have a decent game if your deck has a good wisdom curve. But instead of risking and hoping, I believe the better choice would be going for either mono agi or mono wis, since they are more consistent. Her early game score is not that good (3.2 pts) which falls behind all of the heroes that we mentioned in the part 1. During the mid-game she manages to stay close to your opponent and does not fall behind most of the time, her drawing power affects this. Lastly, her late game can be either terrible or very good depending on your curve. Sometimes you may find yourself stuck with low-cost units and removals. To sum up, Iris is not a consistent prism for Discovery in terms of opening hand, curve, and late game.
Stats of Iris:
Heroes I Faced | Win/Lose | Enemy Final HP | My Final HP |
Ada | L | 26 | 0 |
Horik | L | 35 | 0 |
Ada | W | 0 | 29 |
Zoey | W | 0 | 24 |
Fox | W | 0 | 17 |
Early Game | Mid Game | Late Game | Card Draw | Life Gain | Dominance Score |
3.2 | 3.7 | 2.63 | 3.8 | 2.6 | 3.2 |
Bouran (Mono Hearth)
Playing mono hearth wasn’t the best experience, it feels vague. You never feel like you are controlling the game or you are the oppressor. The early game of the Bouran is always weak (2.2pts). Lowest score so far when compared to other prisms I mentioned before. However, it manages to survive and move to the mid-game. It performs slightly better during the mid-game (2.5 pts) and this is the stage that you understand if you’re going to lose. If your opponent becomes the aggressor in mid-game and dominates the board, especially with bulky units, you have not much to do. After the turn 8-9 you find yourself with hp less than 10 and with no answers. On the other hand, if your opponent can’t dominate the board, you have a good chance to win after turn 10-12. One scenario is bringing low-cost units back to life on an empty board. Unless your opponent pulls a board clear, you have a good chance to win. Another option is getting an advantage from the empty hand of your opponent and playing units like Undragon, Hydrex, and Broodwitch. Yes, this might be the only place where the meme Broodwitch works as a nice removal with her spell Drag Down, because you already have lots of dark cards in your grave. In addition to that she also works as a finisher because your opponent does not have many options in hand to remove the witch. As a conclusion, hearth is a good prism to play but it’s better when combined with other prisms.
Stats of Bouran:
Heroes I Faced | Win/Lose | Enemy Final HP | My Final HP |
Axel | W | 0 | 7 |
Zoey | L | 27 | 0 |
Ada | L | 29 | 0 |
Axel | W | 0 | 19 |
Mai | W | 0 | 15 |
Early Game | Mid Game | Late Game | Card Draw | Life Gain | Dominance Score |
2.2 | 2.5 | 2.7 | 2.6 | 2.1 | 2.46 |
Horik (Strenght/Hearth)
My overall experience with Horik was very satisfactory. He is very strong at all stages of the game. You can start creating pressure on turns 2-3 and keep that till the end of the game. But why is he this strong? You may think that Ada(mono str) was the weakest prism of part 1 and Bouran(mono hrt) is the weakest of part 2. How can a combination of these two create something very powerful? The answer is, they simply complement each other and cover up their weak spots. When I looked at the curve of the decks, they were perfectly structured. Most of the time the decks feel like instead of discovery you are playing with a decent constructed deck. Thus being dominant at all stages of the game doesn’t surprise us. When you are playing mono hearth you have access to 3-4 finishers which may not be the most effective, adding strength to hearth gives you access to a bunch of finishers. One of the biggest problems of mono strength was; your units were getting removed and you were losing the game because of the empty hand and board. When you add hearth to strength now you can protect, buff, and reanimate those units. Also, you have access to more card draw opportunities. Some of the key units are Bard Rock, Forest Hearth, and Bill. They can be really powerful when combined with strength units. Finally, you have access to a lot of light element combos. In addition to the Bard Rock, you have Aegis of Light, Avatar of Light, Light Knight, and many other amazing light cards.
Stats of Horik:
Heroes I Faced | Win/Lose | Enemy Final HP | My Final HP |
Bouran | W | 0 | 27 |
Ada | W | 0 | 22 |
Samya | L | 24 | 0 |
Sitti | W | 0 | 27 |
Samya | W | 0 | 35 |
Early Game | Mid Game | Late Game | Card Draw | Life Gain | Dominance Score |
3.7 | 4.1 | 4.13 | 2.6 | 2.1 | 3.98 |
Zoey (Agility/Hearth)
Zoey is a good early game performer especially in terms of removal. Both of the prisms are very capable of answering the early game units with cards like; Impale, Funeral Moon, Snap Trap, and Lightning Vial. However, being able to answer the threats does not mean that she takes total control of the game. At the start of the mid-game, it seems like you are in charge. Then suddenly Zoey turns into an uncertain hero. What do I mean by that? Zoey is supposed to be an aggro prism and when you are playing aggro you want to finish your opponent as soon as possible. With Zoey, the case is a bit different since hearth is the partner of agility. Hearth units mostly rely on their death effects and card synergies that utilize the grave. This makes hearth a very fun prism to play but it’s most effective when you plan your decks. In discovery the decks are random so you have a good amount of chance to play with a deck that may include hearth units that do not contribute to the aggro. If that happens to you, you may lose control during mid-game. But this doesn’t mean you are dead yet. Another interesting aspect of the Zoey is if you can manage to stay alive till late game you have some chance to turn the tides, especially if your opponent has a low hand size. With Zoey you generally have nice card draw opportunities (3.6 pts), so you can turn the late game to your advantage. To sum up, Zoey is not an easy prism to play. I suggest avoiding her if you are new. But you may also like her if you are a fan of cool comebacks.
Stats of Zoey
Heroes I Faced | Win/Lose | Enemy Final HP | My Final HP |
Mai | W | 0 | 29 |
Fox | L | 29 | 0 |
Banjo | W | 0 | 22 |
Fox | W | 0 | 15 |
Ada | L | 24 | 0 |
Early Game | Mid Game | Late Game | Card Draw | Life Gain | Dominance Score |
3.9 | 3.3 | 3.37 | 3.6 | 2.3 | 3.53 |
Axel (Wisdom/Hearth)
Axel is a hero with a nice upside and with a big downside. Let’s start with the good news. With Axel, you can control the game against control prisms. He does a good job on that with nice answers. In addition to that, he can find ways to draw cards, which is something you want to have, especially while playing with a control prism. So what is the downside? He is not that good against aggro decks. The interesting fact is he can deal with them till the late game. You can gain life back with Libra, Jakintsu, and Gift of Aya. Stall the game with Doom Shroom, Raise Arms, and Kha Meht. But when the late game is about to start or when it begins, he simply can not answer the threats anymore and loses the game. There have been times that I have come close to winning against those decks, but a final burst attack finishes the remaining hp of Axel. Most of the time you don’t have a guard in hand cause you had to use them during the earlier turns. My suggestion is; if you feel like the meta is turning towards control, give Axel a try. If it is heavily dominated by aggro decks, wait for a few patches to play Axel again.
Stats of Axel:
Heroes I Faced | Win/Lose | Enemy Final HP | My Final HP |
Iris | W | 0 | 18 |
Fox | L | 6 | 0 |
Sitti | L | 12 | 0 |
Samya | L | 25 | 0 |
Lotus | W | 0 | 28 |
Early Game | Mid Game | Late Game | Card Draw | Life Gain | Dominance Score |
3.5 | 3.5 | 3.37 | 3.7 | 3.5 | 3.45 |
We have come to the end of Part 2. Let’s check our standings and see what has changed.
Rank | Hero | Score |
1st | Samya | 4.2 |
2nd | Fox | 4 |
3rd | Horik | 3.98 |
4th | Lotus | 3.93 |
5th | Titus | 3.88 |
6th | Ada | 3.73 |
7th | Zoey | 3.53 |
8th | Axel | 3.45 |
9th | Iris | 3.2 |
10th | Bouran | 2.46 |
Let’s see how the standing is going to change. Thanks for reading and see you in Part 3!!
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