September 12, 2024

What is SkyweaverLeagues ?

SkyweaverLeagues was first established in 2021 as league based tournament platform for the Skyweaver community. After running the first league successfully in the summer of 2021, the platform organized several tournaments.  

Currently the platform serves as a hub for Skyweaver players in which they can find decks, guides, news and events related to Skyweaver. There are no league based events anymore mainly due to the work/education schedules of the organizers.

The core team consists the founder Zygote, Just Add Bacon, Eufrat, Shpungo and Skrill2o.

Later the platform hosted articles from many guest authors including Cytus, MissRex, Jamödon and other memebers of the community. 

Also many memebers of the community regulary shares their decks to contribute to the top decks section including, XiaYu, Shenggou, Mephisto, CardboardMonka, and many others.