Please note that this guide was published before the release of hero abilities. Due to the release of abilities some of the information may not be valid anymore.
Zoey is a fragile hero who suffers from the weaknesses of both Samya and Bouran, yet from time to time she can be very explosive, especially against aggro decks. The common weak point of both Samya and Bouran were their low statted units and weak late-game performance mainly due to these units. We saw with Horik that Hearth Prism actually has potential in the late game when supported by other prisms however Agility, in this case, is not capable of providing that support. Against control prisms and dominant boards, we see that Zoey struggles a lot, especially due to the fact that her board clear options mainly target the early stages of the game, and individual removal spells are also not suited for clearing large units.
One of the advantages of Zoey is being able to survive the early stages of the game. During the early and mid-game, she keeps being part of the equation, and depending on the circumstances she can turn the tides and get the advantage in the late game. Another advantage is being able to use her aggressiveness and finish the game quickly. This usually happens against other aggro prisms or very slow control decks. In some games, you can see very fun air&fire combos happening and in some cases, zomboids trying to take control of the board, so she has some interesting synergy potential. Currently, I don’t think she is the best option to pick when compared to how effective Samya can be, however, you can definitely have an enjoyable time by trying Zoey.
Winrate | Early Game | Mid-Game | Late Game | Dominance Score |
%50 | 3.4 | 3.7 | 3 | 3.36 |
End game mana | Life Gain | Removal | Card Draw | Synergy |
11.9 | 2.3 | 2.85 | 2.6 | 3.25 |
I think the best words to define Axel would be a complete all-rounder. He is pretty good at all stages of the game, early, mid, and late, it’s pretty hard to shake Axel. The early game is his weakest point compared to other aspects, it doesn’t mean it’s a weak early game, however, in some instances he loses a high amount of life which can affect his late-game performance. In the late game, Axel has a good potential to make a comeback, however starting the late game with a low hp can be problematic, preventing him from making that comeback and his early game performance can cause this. In the majority of the games however, he is able to control the early game and provide a successful passage to the mid-game, which is what we want him to do.
His mid-game is very good, he starts to take control of the board, hand sizes, and remove enemy threats successfully. Actually, he has a good potential to finish the game during mid-game if he had strong mid-game units. Unfortunately, both Hearth and Wisdom prisms are not so good at that. For example, I remember having {{Lorekeeper}} in 3 games just staying in my hand or being on the board and not doing anything useful. Even though he can’t end the game during mid-game, his late game is pretty strong, and everything he achieved during mid-game allows him to end the game during late-game. At this stage, he takes advantage of strong units of both prisms and in some cases, he uses combo potentials especially provided by the Hearth prism.
Winrate |
Early Game |
Mid-Game |
Late Game |
Dominance Score |
%70 |
3.65 |
3.95 |
3.94 |
3.84 |
End game mana |
Life Gain |
Removal |
Card Draw |
Synergy |
11.8 |
2.3 |
3.35 |
3.5 |
2.5 |
Playing Mira is like you have an extra rule saying, you are not allowed to gain life back, that summarizes my experience with Mira. Mira is a decent hero that combines two powerful prisms. Both Ada and Ari performed very impressively, so when you combine these two you expect to get a pretty good result. Well, the answer is both yes and no. It really depends on the matchup. Usually, against decks that try to be fast, and plays small units, Mira performs very well. Clears the threats, builds a very fast board presence, and even ends the game before turn 10. You may get surprised by how quickly games can end whether you lose or win. Mira has access to many removal options, especially units in Intellect Prism can both create a board presence and provide removal support when you add solid strength units on top of that, opponents with low hand sizes, and small units will have a very hard time answering Mira’s threats. This provides Mira with a very solid mid-game performance against this kind of opponent.
On the other hand, she can get crushed against decks/heroes that can create a strong board presence earlier than her. In this situation, her units and spells usually won’t work in a way to take control back and she can lose very fast. Combining two prisms and having a large card pool is a cause of this making it harder to get the required answers and also making it harder to get the cards that support each other. Another big disadvantage is the lack of life gain. The options for gaining life are very limited in Mira and it is mostly provided by lifesteal units which won’t function well if the board is not controlled by Mira. Most of the other heroes are also weak in terms of life gain, however, Mira is the one that you feel the need of gaining life back most and this weak side of her becomes more present. For now, Mira is not among my top recommendations, however depending on how the meta shifts she may have a stronger place among the heroes.
Winrate | Early Game | Mid-Game | Late Game | Dominance Score |
%60 | 3.55 | 3.45 | 3.33 | 3.44 |
End game mana | Life Gain | Removal | Card Draw | Synergy |
9.5 | 1.6 | 3.45 | 2.55 | 2.55 |
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