Please note that this guide was published before the release of hero abilities. Due to the release of abilities some of the information may not be valid anymore.
Bouran was a very interesting hero to test. The test proved to me once more that, the heart prism can be very unstable just on its own in Discovery. The reason is, it heavily relies on synergies and when the deck is not constructed it’s not guaranteed that you will have access to proper synergies. There was a simple pattern in the games that I played. If I get cards with synergies and can play them in proper order, I win the game, if there are no cards with synergies I lose them. It didn’t change for all of the 10 games that I played. Of course, this doesn’t mean that Bouran is a bad hero, he had a 60% win rate, which is not bad, the fact that he heavily relies on synergies makes him not so funny to play sometimes, but when you get those synergies the games can become very fun. What do I mean by synergies you may ask, just to give some quick examples, if you have spells that can bring units back from the grave, but you don’t have any units that have proper death effects, this is a no synergy scenario, but if you can play your {{Flame Phoenix}} multiple times, or utilize {{Zomboid}} card properly then you get good synergy cards.
Another interesting thing about Bouran is, he was able to get the highest life gain, removal, card draw, and synergy scores when compared to the former 3 heroes, but still, those don’t help him to be very dominant. With Bouran games almost always go to late-game, the earliest turn that a game was over was 9, proving that he manages to survive early and mid-games, however, if he can’t get the combo pieces during the mid or mid to late game, he struggles a lot during the late game. With Bouran using the combos at the right times, with the right cards can also require skill, because of this, I don’t recommend Bouran to new players. I believe the Hearth prism will be more beneficial when combined with others in Discovery. Let’s see if this statement will be correct in the upcoming parts.
Winrate | Early Game | Mid-Game | Late Game | Dominance Score |
%60 | 3.35 | 3.05 | 3.05 | 3.15 |
End game mana | Life Gain | Removal | Card Draw | Synergy |
11.8 | 2.85 | 3.1 | 3.25 | 3.25 |
When I was testing Ari for this review, my first reaction was, is he too good? And every time I play with him for the last 2 years I get the same reaction. To summarize Ari, he is very fun, he is very strong at all stages of the games and he is Fast…, no wonder why Samya is competing with him on the art of {{Dash for the Cup}} card. With Ari, games can go late game, sometimes they can go very late game, but there were several times that they also ended before the turn 8. In general, it is very rare to have a bad early game with Ari. Cheap units with cheap attached spells and useful effects allow you to transition to the mid-game without taking a lot of damage and even allowing you to deal some damage to your opponent. The same thing happens in mid-game, units do not have high stats, however, they are able to generate value, by their effects and attached spells. Most mid-game spells of Ari also come in very handy in most situations. {{Manage Memory}}, {{Frigid Blizzard}}, {{Extinction Event}} are some of the examples. The only problem with Ari is, if he can’t a get good mid-game hand, he can’t survive in the late game. This may be the case for many heroes, but I saw that Ari is affected heavily by this.
His late game is another advantage of Ari, he has a very strong late game, when combined with his good mid-game. The ability to generate resources becomes very useful in the late game especially if you don’t have the right tools to play. While transitioning from mid to late game, he usually dominates the board, and units like {{Enigma Golem}}, {{Krakus}} or spells like {{Tentacle Eruption}} can deal the final blow, even without those the board domination and low hp of the opponent sets the ground for ending the game and he doesn’t struggle at this stage. He had an 80% win rate, and it’s very fun to play Ari. I can recommend giving him a shot, even if you are new, it may seem a little complex at first, but you will get used to that after learning the cards.
Winrate | Early Game | Mid-Game | Late Game | Dominance Score |
%80 | 3.6 | 3.85 | 4.1 | 3.85 |
End game mana | Life Gain | Removal | Card Draw | Synergy |
9.9 | 1.4 | 3.35 | 3.75 | 2.85 |
Titus is a very interesting hero to play with, but he might not be the most fun and strongest choice out there. His gameplay heavily relies on single prism synergies and a solid transition between early and mid-game, when the transition fails, it can be very hard to come back. One of the main reasons for this problem is the big difference between Strenght and Wisdom units. The difference comes in terms of stats and what these units are aiming to do. Wisdom units are more control focused and usually tend to have high HP when compared to their Atk power. Strength units are more domination focused and they try to take control of the board by using their power. So, when you start building your board/play with strength units and then after that when you start using wisdom units it generally causes an imbalance. The same happens if you start with wisdom units and then start to play strength units. What I notice when I play Titus, and I have had this opinion for several years, if you keep drawing playing units from one prism, your chances of winning are much higher. So instead of going Titus, I believe going Ada, or Lotus makes more sense in terms of the stability of the gameplay.
A good side of Titus is, he has access to a good amount of card draw and removal options which can be very beneficial. Also if you can start your early game strong and can have a good transition to mid-game, your likelihood of ending the game before late turns is very possible. His late-game performance is highly dependent on also how he built the game during the previous turn so it can be either very good or very bad. He is not among my top recommendations to play if you are a beginner but worth a try, with a good combination of cards, you can sometimes get very surprised by how fast a game can end. So if you like experimenting, you can give Titus a shot.
Winrate | Early Game | Mid-Game | Late Game | Dominance Score |
%50 | 3.35 | 3.2 | 3.43 | 3.33 |
End game mana | Life Gain | Removal | Card Draw | Synergy |
11.2 | 2.2 | 3.3 | 2.95 | 2.05 |
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